MicroLED Walls: Introducing the Latest Display Technology

The word microLED is not in anyway new to the world of display technology. Sony has been dropping hints about it as early as 2014 even before Samsung introduced a wall-sized TV that uses the latest innovation at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

However, at 146 inches, the wall-sized display is something that is relatively new in the industry. As the name suggests, a microLED uses millions of micro LEDs that are even smaller than those used in LCD TVs today.

MicroLED is hinted to be the latest display technology that will be commercialized after the OLED debuted in 2008. It is reported that this new innovation to LED walls is designed to match the OLED in black levels but with superior brightness and color compared to any other display technology ever invented. On top of these, it is said to have abandoned the viewing angle and uniformity issues experienced in LCD.  

Can microLED Replace OLED displays?

Unfortunately, the issue with microLED is its manufacturing. Various reports claim that the screens are far more difficult to produce compared to OLED displays, to the point that even Apple nearly retracted the development the previous year.  

Another challenge is that every time LEDs are shrunk, the amount of light they produce is also reduced – and, pushing them harder can only lead to more issues such as high power consumption and possibilities of overheating. Not to mention the heavy tag price that they are sure to come with.

MicroLED is undoubtedly the future of display technology. However, it’s unlikely that it will reign over OLED or even LED wall displays any time soon. In the meantime, all that’s left to do is to maximize the benefits of OLED and LED walls can offer.

Read the full story here.

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